WWII R75 Replica |
| This is a Chang Jiang 750 BMW R/75 WWII Replica. These bikes are very popular in Europe and for WWII enthuiast that participate in ww2 re-enactment. Place close notice to the many details that we put into these bikes such as: completely restored engine, gas tank with glove box, tow bar, machine gun mounts, bar, high speed 4th gear, ammo boxes, double tire mounts, left cylinder guard, upright seat springs, extra wide hubs. These bikes can be painted in the true colors of the outfits they belonged to. Panzer gray, matt black, desert yellow, U.S. military green, PLA green. We have a decal kit that has all the German decals symbols to include divisional marks, tactical marks. Also available are front and back license plates for Reichswehr, Waffen SS, Luftwaffe and much more. |